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Why PHP is Best then Other Programming Language?

No doubt, the PHP is a powerful programming language that will decrease any programmer's time to coding, compile and deliver the final result. If you are a developer and knows multiple programming languages, then you always like to work with the PHP for better productivity in a less time-consuming situation! There re some core features, that's why PHP can dominate other programming languages. Let's discuss- why PHP is more helpful than other programming languages!
Easy To Learn: When you know, C, C++, Dot Net, etc programming language, you can learn the PHP quicker than you thought. The errors may come for the first time, but you can overcome that easily.
Open Source: The PHP is an open-source source software. The complete source code of PHP is open and anyone can use it completely free. thus. So, you don't need to buy or pay for any license when you learn or work with PHP.
Fast Load Time: When you create any website with PHP, it results in quicker site loading rates. The PHP codes run considerably faster than ASP. That's because PHP has its personal memory space to run. Whereas, the ASP needs an overhead server including a COM-based architecture to run properly.
Platform Independent: The PHP is absolutely platform-independent. The developers may write the programs on a Linux and later test that on a windows laptop. The different operating systems will not have any effect on PHP coding. Other programming languages will not have this ability to remain 'as it is' in- separate operating systems.
Cloud-Ready: Since the PHP is invented for the Internet and cloud is just the part of the web. This makes the PHP a client-server based programming language with great support for clouds. For this reason, the 'cloud service providers' also offer PHP hosting.
Easy Database Link: The PHP is adaptable for easy database links. It can create links with different database types. The MySQL more favorable database management system used by the developer. It's free to use with PHP. But if the coding is done with ASP then you need to buy a Microsoft license to use with it.
Dynamic Website Creation: PHP is normally used to create dynamic websites. You may embed the PHP into HTML. And many medium or small web applications can be created using PHP. Using other programming languages, you face challenges and it will take more time.
Low-Cost Hosting: Any website developed with PHP can run on any Linux server, which is less costly. But if you create the same thing with ASP, then you need to have a Windows server with IIS installed. The windows servers are more costly than the Linux servers. This saves you a considerable amount of money.
Support: If you face any problem regarding the PHP coding, the wide support communities will ready to help you. If you may search the Internet, you might find the solution to your problem. If you did not, then the forum posting will get you to solve in no time.
In this modern world, if you stand with a single programming language in the market, surely it's like to be standing on quicksand. The PHP is better than other languages, but you should not forget other programming languages too. Because when Plan A fails, Plan B always works.